Collective publication ENTER+ Repurposing in Electronic Literature /ENTER Reintencia v elektronickej literatúre/ edited by María Mencía & Zuzana Husárová, Košice: Divé buki, 2014.
The aim of this publication is to show the fruitfulness and multifariousness of approaches that the concept of repurposing has invigorated and incorporated within the field of literature. As a result of this the term literature is broadened and can be understood to include the use of differing platforms and media as well as experimentation with programmable languages, voice, techniques and modalities. Most of the artists taking part in the exhibition have contributed an article for this publication that reflects and connects with their work and the exhibition’s theme of ‘Repurposing in Electronic Literature’. The authors/artists were given free license to write their articles in a style of their own choosing. This approach enriched the publication by gathering a variety of creative writing styles and perspectives in the form of notes, code and scholarly reviews. With contributions by: Mark Amerika, Jeneen Naji, Leonardo Flores, Ian Hatcher, Jason Nelson, Christine Wilks, Mez Breeze, Rui Torres, Jörg Piringer, Mariusz Pisarski, Richard Kitta, Mária Rišková, Bogumila Suwara, María Mencía, Nick Montfort in collaboration with Stephanie Strickland, Amaranth Borsuk in collaboration with Brad Bouse, Zuzana Husárová in collaboration with Ľubomír Panák and the creative group R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX.
Collective monograph V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: /In Central European Network: not only about electronic literature:/ edited by Bogumila Suwara & Zuzana Husárová, Bratislava: SAP, Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, 2012.
This international collective monograph brings an understanding of the problematic of changes in artistic communication in the context of the cultural practices of the post-digital era and simultaneously asks new questions about it. This book presents the keystones of electronic literature research that are based, among others, on the digital character of the text, on multisensory reading, playfulness, hypermediality, experimentation and Internet communication. Its aim is also to map digital literature in the cultural environment of Central Europe. Researchers from Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia collaborated on the publication. The monograph is a printed textual tapestry of various approaches, theories and perspectives that communicate among themselves, react to each other and together clarify the structure that literature personifies in the new media realm. With contributions by Zuzana Husárová, Jana Kuzmíková, Gabriela Magová, Mira Nabělková, Andrzej Pająk, Katarina Peović Vuković, Mariusz Pisarski, Michal Rehúš a Jaroslav Šrank, Janez Strehovec, Bogumiła Suwara, Jaroslav Švelch. It is also available for download at Monoskop: Information at ELMCIP
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2016), Slovenská elektronická literatúra. In: World Literature Studies. Bratislava: Ústav svetovej liteatúry. Roč. 8, č. 3, s. 57-77.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2015), Cocktail Compositum. In: Code und Koncept. Literatur und das Digitale. Berlin: Frohmann. Ed. Hannes Bajohr, s. 160-175.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2015), Prehľad teoretických konceptov k výskumu elektronickej literatúry.
In: Česká literatura. Praha.Roč. 63, č. 6, s. 881-906. - HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2015), E-lit je propojená s různými literárními tradicemi: o elektronické literatuře s Nickem Montfortem. In: Česká literatura. Praha. Roč. 63, č.6, s. 950-966.
- ULKUNIEMI, S.- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2015), Making collaborative visual poems about identities: an interdisciplinary and international art educational project. In: Conversations on Finnish Art Education. Helsinky : Aalto University, pp. 318-329. H
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2014), Multisekvenčná literatúra na papieri a interfejse. In: {(staré a nové) rozhrania/*interfejsy*/[literatúry]}. (ed.) Bogumila Suwara. Bratislava : SAP a Ústav svetovej literatúry SAV, pp. 41-68.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. – PANÁK, Ľ. (2014), ‘Inside a Wedding Wish‘, ENTER+ Repurposing in Electronic Literature (ed.) M. Mencia, Z. Husárová. Košice: Divé buki, 2014/2015.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2013), Literature on Tablets: Poetics of Touch. In: Studies in Foreign Language Education Vol. 5, No.1, Nümbrecht, Germany : Kirsch-Verlag, pp. 81-122.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2013), Transmedia Poetics: A Poetic Case Study of liminal. In: räume für notizen: Künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur visuellen und digitalen Poesie. Wien: edition ch, pp. 51-61.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2013), Od archiwum do tabletu: remediacja słowackiej literatury barokowej. In: HA! Art, No. 42. Krakow, pp. 24-31.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2013), Pisząc o zdaniach. In: HA! Art, No. 42. Krakow, pp. 52-62.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. – SUWARA, B. (2013), Literature Coded for Marked Quick Response, In American and British Studies Annual, Vol. 6, University of Pardubice, pp. 145-161.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2012), Electronic Ways of Literary Engagement, In Studies in Foreign Language Education, Vol. 4, No.1, Nümbrecht, Germany : Kirsch-Verlag.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2012), A Method of Teaching Multimodal Creative Writing, In Studies in Foreign Language Education, Vol. 4, No.1, Nümbrecht, Germany : Kirsch-Verlag.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2012), ‘Zážitok* multisenzorického čítania elektronickej literatúry’, V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: (ed.) B. Suwara, Z. Husarová. Ústav svetovej literatúry a SAP, Bratislava.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2012), ‘O materialite elektronickej literatúry:_ ‘, V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: (ed.) B. Suwara, Z. Husarová. Ústav svetovej literatúry a SAP, Bratislava.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. (2012), ‘Elektronická lite(h)ratúra s Alicou’, V sieti strednej Európy: nielen o elektronickej literatúre: (ed.) B. Suwara, Z. Husarová. Ústav svetovej literatúry a SAP, Bratislava.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Zuzana – MONTFORT, Nick. Shuffle Literature and the Hand of Fate. In Electronic Book Review. August 2012.
- HUSÁROVÁ Zuzana. Z tej knižky niečo skáče, kámo. In 3/4. č. 26. 2012.
- HUSÁROVÁ Zuzana. Interview with Amaranth Borsuk. In 3/4. č. 26. 2012.
- HUSÁROVÁ Zuzana. Following Paths of Electronic Literature. In Journal of Writing in Creative Practice. Vol. 4, 2011, No. 1. p. 25-36. ISSN 1753-5190.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. Digitálne umenie skrz 3. Interviews with Maria Mencia, Kasia Molga, Andy Campbell. In ¾, Vol. 11, 2010, No. 25, p. 46-57. ISSN 1335-5309.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. Nemáš ďaleko od mrkvy. Interview with Eduardo Kac. In ¾, Vol. 11, 2010, No. 25, p. 68-71. ISSN 1335-5309.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. Monochromatické interview. In ¾, Vol. 11, 2010, No. 25, p. 10-15. ISSN 1335-5309.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. Junction of Image, Text and Sound in Net-Fictions. In Electronic Literature in Europe [online]. International Conference. 11-13. September 2008. Bergen : University of Bergen. Available at : <>.
- HUSÁROVÁ, Z. O virtuálnej realite cez prizmu rozprávania. In Slovak Review of World Literature Review. Vol. XVII, 2008, No. 2, Bratislava: Slovak Academic Press, p. 90-102. ISSN 1335-0544.